The Glad Tidings, Respect and Honour for a Muslim at the time of Death
1. Sayyidina Baraa bin ‘Aazib Radiyallahu ‘Anhu says, Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam said: "When a Mu-min is in the state of leaving this world and approaching the hereafter, Malaa’ikah (angels) from the sky come to him, whose faces are white and shine like the sun. They have with them kafan (dead person’s shrouding) of Jannah (paradise) and fragrance of Jannah. They seat themselves until (the distance) where the eye can see. Then Malakul maut (angel of death) comes and sits at his head side and says: ‘O soul, who was content with the commands of Allah, come out towards the forgiveness and mercies of Allah’. It (the soul) comes out (with ease) like (water) drops flow out of a water bag, although (outwardly) you may witness a state other than this (that life comes out with difficulty. The difficulty is on the body, and the ruh [soul] experiences easiness). They (the Malaa’ikah) take out the ruh. After taking it out the Malakul maut does not leave it in his hands for a split moment, but puts it in the kafan and fragrance of Jannah. Such a fragrance emits from it like the strongest mushk fragrance in the world. They go up with it. Whichever group of Malaa’ikah they pass, they (those Malaa’ikah) ask, who is this good and pleasant soul. They say: 'So-and-so, son of so-and-so, they mention the best names with which he was well known in the dunya (world). (In the same manner) They take him towards the next sky (samaa-ud dunyaa), from there they carry on till they reach the seventh sky. Allah Ta'aala commands, record his name in the ‘illi-yiin, and return him to the earth (for questioning in the grave). His ruh is returned to his body (pertinent to the barzakh and not the world). Two angels come to him and make him sit up. They both ask him: ‘Who is your Rabb (Lord and Master); and what is your religion?’
He will say: ‘My Rabb is Allah and Islam is my religion.'
They both then say to him: ‘Who is this person who was sent to you and among you.'
He will say: 'He is the Rasul (messenger) of Allah (i.e. Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam).'
They both then say to him: 'How did you know?’
He will say: 'I read the Kitaab of Allah Ta'aala (Qur’aan), brought Imaan (faith) on it and accepted it as the truth.'
A caller (from Allah Ta‘aala) will then call out from the heavens: 'My bondsman has given the correct answer. Spread out for him a floor-covering from Jannah; clothe him with the clothing of Jannah; and open for him a door towards Jannah.’
Hence a breeze of sweet Fragrance blows towards him. His grave is widened as far as (the width) the eye can see. A well-dressed person with a sweet smelling fragrance will come and say to him; 'News of glad tidings of happiness to you. This is the day that you had been promised.'
He will ask: 'Who are you? Your countenance conveys blessings and excellence.'
The person will say to him: ‘I am your pious deeds.'
Me (the deceased person) will then repeat: 'O Rabb (hasten) qiyaamah (the day of reckoning), O Rabb (hasten) qiyaamah, so that I may return to my family and possessions (which will be attained in the hereafter).'" – Ahmed, Abu Daawud, Haakim, Baihaqi and others.
2. Ja'far reports from Muhammad, who reports from his father Ibnul Khazraj, who reports from his father, who said, I heard Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu. 'Alayhi Wasallam saying: "I saw Malakul maut (angel of death) at the time of a person's death From among the Ansaar. I said to him: 'O Malakul maut, be gentle and kind to my Sahaabi (companion) for he is a Mu-min.' Malakul maut said: ‘Gladden your heart, cool your eyes and be assured that I am gentle with every Mu-min.'" - Tabrani, Ibn Munabbih.
3. Sayyidina Baraa Radiyallahu ‘Anhu narrates from Sayyidina Abii Hurairah Radiyallahu 'Anhu that Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam said: "When the time for a Mu-min’s death comes, the Malaa’ikah (angels) come with a (piece of) silk to him, wherein there is mushk, ‘amber and rayhaan. His ruh (soul) comes out softly in the manner that a hair comes out of dough. It is said to him, O life, who was contented with the commands of Allah, n>me towards mercy, respect and honour, in the state that you are pleased with Him and He is pleased with you. Then when the ruh comes out, it is put on the mushk and rayhaan, covered with the silk and taken to the ‘illi-yiin."
4. Sayyidina Ibn Jurayj Radiyallahu 'Anhu narrates, Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam said to Sayyiditina 'Aa-i-shah Radiyallahu ‘Anhaa: "When a Mu-min sees the Malaa’ikah (angels), they say: 'We will take you back to the dunya (world). (We will not remove your ruh -soul-).’ He will say: '(You will return me) Towards a place of worry, anxiety, distress and affliction. Take me towards Allah Ta'aala.'" – Ibn Jariir and Ibnul Mundhir in their tafsir.
5. Sayyidina Anas bin Maalik Radiyallahu 'Anhu says, Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam said: "When Malakul maut (angel of death) comes to a wali (accepted bondsman) of Allah, he makes salaam to him. His salaam is saying this: 'Assalamu ‘alayka yaa waliyullah, rise and leave the home that has been emptied, and go towards your home which has been furnished by you (i.e. from the world towards the hereafter).'" - Qadhi Abul Husayn bin Al'urayf, Abu Rabii' Al-Mas'u-dii, Sharhus Sudur.
6. Sayyidina Ibn Mas'ud Radiyallahu ‘Anhu said: "When Allah Ta'aala intends taking the ruh (soul) of a Mu-min, He commands Malakul maut (angel of death), convey My salaams to him. When Malakul maut comes to take his ruh, he says to the person: ‘Your Rabb (lord and Master) says salaam to you.' (Subhanallah, what a blessing. May a thousand lives be sacrificed for such a death)." - Abul Qaasim bin Mandah in Kitaabul Ahwaal, Sharhus Sudur.
7. Zayd bin Muslim narrates that it is said: "Malaa’ikah are sent to a Mu-min at the time of death and (through them) it is said: ‘Do not fear of what is coming to you. Hence his fear vanishes. Do not grieve (on the separation) for the world nor its inhabitants. Be happy with the glad tidings of Jannah (paradise).'" He dies in such a state that Allah Ta'aala makes his eyes cool (He grants him contentment). – Ibn Haatim.
It is narrated from him too in the Sharhus Sudur regarding the tafsir of the aayah ('Innal ladhina qaalu rabbunallaahu .... upto ... tu‘adun’), that, he is given glad tidings at times of: death; in his grave, and on the day of judgement. When entering Jannah too this happiness will not leave his heart."