Aims & Objectives
- The overall aim of the institution is to mould all those associated with it in a perfect Islamic character capable of taking their place as active responsible member of the wider society.
- To inculcate the Islamic way of life in the students after equipping them with in-depth and thorough knowledge of Islam.
- To produce such Islamic scholars who can understand the present day problems of the modern world and provide valuable solutions based on authentic Islamic principles.
- To inculcate the research oriented methodology in studies in the students.
- To inculcate the high level standards in the students and the society based on the Sunnah.
- To disseminate the Islamic knowledge far and wide through literature and publications.
- To propagate the message of Islam in its pristine purity.
- To establish a library fully equipped with the extensive reference material which can help all those interested in research work.
- To promote closer understanding among all Muslims and to strengthen bonds of friendship and brotherhood among them.
- To carry out activities and projects related to religious, social, charitable, and educational aspects of the life of the community.
- To foster cordial relationships between Muslims and non-Muslims and to promote the understanding of Islam among non-Muslims.
- To give all the students access to a curriculum relevant with the Islamic as well as the modern education.
- To provide broad, well-balanced curriculum which will promote balanced thinking, clear reasoning, creative problem solving and capacity to work collaboratively.
- To set highest expectations for standards of achievement both academic and in personal achievement.
- To encourage an appreciation of activities which will enrich, enlighten and add quality to students lives.
- To place the institution securely as part of the broad community, forging strong partnerships with every sector of the society.
- Stimulate students to have curious, lively and reflective minds.
- Give students opportunity to address Islamic as well as social issues and problems creatively.
- Ensure students develop the power of reasoning and higher order thinking skills.
- Encourage the development of respect and tolerance for the views of others.
- Encourage students to become responsible and active members of their community and wider society.
- Encourage the development of balanced thought and learning through well planned, challenging curriculum.
- Encourage students to have appropriate levels of self esteem and promote self-discipline.
- Develop in students a personal, moral and ethical code which values honesty and diligence and promotes personal responsibility for themselves and the environment.
- Encourage students to work for the eradication of social evils and immorality from the society.