Question & Answer

Question: If the used and unused water gets collected in a container and there is no completely pure water available to perform Wudhu. Is it permissible to perform Wudhu with this collected water?

Answer: If the used and unused water gets collected then the dominant one gets credence. That is one has to be sure which kind of water is more—used or unused. If the used water is more then it is not permissible to perform Wudhu with this water. If unused water is more then it is permissible to perform Wudhu with this.

Note:- Used water is that water which falls down from the parts of body when one performs Wudhu or Ghusl.

Question: If one has a difficulty to sit; is it permissible for him to perform Wudhu while standing?

Answer: If there is apprehension of sprinkles of used water in performing Wudhu while standing, that is why it is recommended to perform Wudhu in a sitting position; but if there is any kind of problem or there is such an arrangement that keeps one safe from used water sprinkles then there is no harm in doing so.

Question: Is it permissible to perform Wudhu in a washbasin while standing?

Answer: Wadhu can be done in this way without any problem and one can also perform Salaah with this Wudhu. But it is better to perform Wudhu a sitting position while facing Qiblah.

Question: I am a book binder by profession and am often required to bind Holy Qur’an. I consulted few people and asked if I am supposed to perform Wudhu before binding the Qur’an or not. They suggested that it is neither Fardh nor Waajib to peform Wudhu before this act. But I am not satisfied with this, I would like to ask you whether they are right or not?

Answer: It is not permitted to touch the pages of Qur’an without proper Wudhu. Don’t consult many a people regarding this issue. You should take it serious to perform Wudhu before binding the Qur’an. In case of any difficulty this matter should not be taken as lightly.

Question: Is there any loss of Thawaab if one wipes off his face and hand after performing Wudhu?

Answer: No.

Question: A person used Miswaak before doing Wudhu to perform Asr Salaah; is it necessary for him to use Miswaak again before doing Wudhu to perform Magrib Salaah even if he has not eaten anything between Asr and Magrib Salaah?

Answer: It is Sunnat to use Miswaak when one has to do Wudhu. Also, it is a separate Sunnat to use Miswaak after eating.

Question: Like males, is it Sunnat for females also to use Miswaak before doing Wudhu?

Answer: It is Sunnat for females also to use Miswaak before doing Wudhu. But if anyone’s gums are not strong enough to sustain Miswaak then for them to use a special tree bark (Dandaas) will also suffice if used with the intention of Miswaak.

Question: Will a person earn Thawaab if he uses toothbrush and paste instead of Miswaak. Or it is necessary to use the specific kind of Miswaak to earn the blessings of Sunnah?

Answer: It is better to use Miswaak to earn the blessings of Sunnah. There is disagreement among the scholars whether brush and paste will compensate as Sunnah.