Question Answer
Question: I had gone to Riyadh where I saw in a Masjid that people were using Miswaak while in Saffah (rows). When the Mukabbir started reciting Iqaamah, the people first used Miswaak and then stood up to offer Salaah. After Salaah, I asked the Imaam whether it is permitted to do this act. The Imaam told me that it is related in a Hadith that one should use Miswaak before Salaah and before Wudhu. I think that to use Miswaak before the Salaah means that the people who have remained with Wudhu between Asr and Magrib Salaah and ate or drank something in between, it is for these people to use Miswaak and rinse their mouth before offering Salaah?
Answer: The Hadith that has been referred to by the Imaam is:
“If I had no apprehension that it would drive my Ummah into difficulty, I would have ordered them to use Miswaak before every Salaah.”
There is disagreement between the narrators of this Hadith regarding its words. Some of them narrate the word “عند كل صلوة” while some other narrate “عند كل وضو” (Sahih Bukhari)—which means that at the time of every Wudhu Miswaak should be used.
While keeping in view both types of words Imam Abu Haniefah (RA) has derived the following meaning:
That before Salaah one should do Wudhu and before every Wudhu one should use Miswaak. The purpose of the direction that one should use Miswaak before every Salaah is that before every Wudhu of any Salaah one should use Miswaak. It doesn't mean that precisely before standing for Salaah one should first use Miswaak. In doing so there is apprehension that blood may ooze out of ones teeth that will result in nullification of Wudhu. And when there is no Wudhu, no Salaah can be offered. So according to Imam Abu Haniefah (RA), it is Sunnah to use Miswaak before every Wudhu.
Moreover, the purpose of using Miswaak is to cleanse one mouth and this purpose can be achieved only when after using Miswaak a person also rinses his mouth with water. It is not possible for one to cleanse his mouth without rinsing his mouth with water after using Miswaak, which is the real purpose of Miswaak.
Since the people of Saudi follow the Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (RA) and according to him if blood oozes out, it does not nullify one’s Wudhu. That is why they use Miswaak before offering Salaah and take the meaning of Hadith this way.
Question: Due to compulsion a person uses a wig. Is it necessary for him to remove his wig while doing Masah on his head or he can do it while having his wig on?
Answer: To use artificial hair is not permitted in Islam. There is no compulsion to do such an act as stated by you. Masah should be done after removing the wig; the Wudhu will not be valid if Masah is done over the wig.
Question: Is it good to perform Wudhu at night before going to bed?
Answer: Yes, it is good to peform Wudhu before going to bed.