Question Answer - Masa’il of Wudhu
Question: Due to an injury in my hand blood is usually oozing out from it and even sometimes during the Salaah there is apprehension that blood may ooze out of it. Is it permissible for me to perform Masaah over the affected area and not to wash it; or is it necessary to performs Wudhu whenever blood oozes out?
Answer: There are two Masaa’il in this issue. 1. If it is injurious to wash the affected area with water then it is permissible for you to perform only Masaah over the affected area and not to wash it. 2. If blood is oozing out of it every time and does not halt at any point of time then it is sufficient for you to perform Wudhu once during the stipulated time of a Salaah; and if the blood sometimes oozes out and sometimes halts, then whenever it spreads after oozing out you will have to perform Wudhu again.
Question: If blood is oozing out of ones tooth, is his Wudhu valid or not?
Answer: If he experiences the taste of blood or the colour of saliva gets inclined towards redness then his Wudhu breaks and if neither of the two things take place then his Wudhu is valid.
Question: If a person discharges air, is it necessary for him to perform Istinja or only Wudhu?
Answer: It is necessary for him to perform only Wudhu and not Istinja. To do Istinja without attending the call of nature is Bid’at.
Question: What is the decree regarding the water that comes out of ones eye due to some ache?
Answer: The water that comes after ones eye due to any ache does not affect Wudhu, however if someone has a pustule in his eye and some kind of watery substance comes of it then his Wudhu breaks as this kind water is impure.
Question: It is clear that Wudhu breaks if one sleeps, but does Wudhu also break if one lies down or takes a support of something?
Answer: If one has not slept while lying or taking a support while sitting then his Wudhu is valid.
Question: Does a persons Wudhu break if he kisses his wife or vice versa?
Answer: According to Hanafi school of though, if a person kisses his wife or vice versa his Wudhu is valid until and unless he excretes Mazi (minor involuntary seminal discharge).
Question: Does a persons Wudhu break if he changes his clothes or looks at his person?
Answer: No, a person does not break his Wudhu if he changes his clothes or has a look on his person.
Question: Does a persons Wudhu break if he looks at a naked picture of someone?
Answer: To look at anyone’s naked picture is a grave sin, it does not break ones Wudhu but it is better to perform Wudhu again.
Question: Does ones Wudhu break if he takes his lower garments (pajama, pants etc) up beyond his knees?
Answer: If is not permissible to takes one lower garments up beyond ones knees but this act will not break his Wudhu.
Question: Does ones Wudhu break if he performs Wudhu while being naked and also touches his private parts while taking a bath? Has he to perform Wudhu again?
Answer: It is not necessary to perform Wudhu again because ones Wudhu is still valid if he gets naked or touches his private parts.