Question Answer

Q.) Can you please explain to me in the light of Qur'an and Hadith what is the hijab for my husband to his brother's wives? Can he speak to them when there is no need? Can he also speak to them when their husband is not around and there is fear of fitnah? I am in purdah ie I cover my entire body except my eyes and hands and I make purdah from my husband's brothers. Lately after the incident of him speaking freely to my brother in laws wives I felt like not wearing my niqab anymore. Please clear my doubts. [A sister in Islam]

A.) It is necessary for a male to observe Hijab from his brother's wife (sister-in-law). Any contact whatsoever with her is prohibited. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) also prohibited a male from going to a woman in the absence of her husband. Sister, you should discuss the issue with your husband with utmost wisdom and make him conscientious of the laws of Allah and the consequences of not following the Shari'ah. However, that should not drive you to removing your own hijab. Why should you incur the wrath of Allah on yourself due to somebody else's wrong? Two wrongs don't make a right.

And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Q.) My friend's uncle died few months ago, he left two sons and a house. He made no will at all as to how to divide the estate.

One son lived with the father till he died and the other son lived separately. The son who lived with the father made renovations and decorated the house while the father was alive.

A surveyor has valued the house, and it valued at £80,000.00 (Eighty thousand pounds).

The situation at present is as follows:

1. Now that the father has died the question is how should the estate be divided Islamically, as no Will was left?

2. The younger brother is saying, because he spent money on the house while his father was alive that amount should be deducted from the total value of the house when the wealth is distributed. The younger brother spent £20,000.00 in renovations.

The two brothers are arguing between themselves. What is the correct way to divide the estate Islamically?

A.) In principle, if the deceased was survived only by two sons and had no other children, or both or one of the two parents, then the entire estate will be divided into two equal parts. Each son will inherit one share.

If the son who lived with the father and decorated the house by himself, it will be regarded as Tabarru (voluntary act) for which he cannot make any claim against his brother. He had decorated the house and enjoyed the benefits of the decorated house while staying there. If the value of the house is $80,000, each brother is entitled to $40,000. The elder brother may offer his brother an amount as a gesture of goodwill for decorating the house which enhanced the value of the house. And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Q.) Can a girl get married by herself if elders and her parents do not take interest in her marriage? Does she have the right? What does Islam say about the age for her marriage?

A.) A girl has the right to get married on her own. However, Shari'ah has considered, for her own well being, that a guardian see to her marriage, etc. If her guardians do not take interest in her, she should consult some other close relative to find her a suitable marriage partner.

Nabi "Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam" said, 'Do not delay in two things; The Janaaza Salat when the bier is ready and the marriage of a single woman.'

Therefore, as soon as a female reaches a marriageable age, she should get married.

And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best