Rules of a Muslim home
A Muslim home should always be pervaded by the remembrance of Allah Ta'aala at any time. Learning, teaching and engaging in the Ibaadah (worship) of Allah Ta'aala should be an integral part of every Muslim home. In the days of the Sahaabah, it was common among them that they would make their homes into places of learning and worship. Sayyiduna Umar bin Khattaab (RA) was inspired to accept Islam because of the same reason. When he visited the home of his sister Faatima, she and her husband, Saeed bin Zaid Radiyallaahu ahhuma, were learning the Qur'aan from Hadrat Khabbaab (RA).
In Madinah Munawwarah Hadrat Umar Farooq (RA) had taken a residence that was quite far off from Masjidun Nabawi [Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam]. On account of the distance, he could not be present in the masjid all the time. He then arranged with one of his neighbours that they would both take turns to go to Masjidun Nabawi [Sallaallahu alaihi wasallam] on alternate days and therefore inform each other of whatever was learnt from Rasulullah Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam. In this manner they would remain fully informed of the teachings of Rasulullah Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam.
It was the habit of the Noble Sahaabah Ridwaanullaahi alaihim ajmaeen to come home daily and teach their wives and children what they had learnt from Rasulullah Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam. Every Muslim should also make it a daily practice that some learning and teaching takes place in the home. Our Senior Ulama have very strongly suggested that daily ta'leem should be made of the book Fadhaail e A'maal (Virtues of Good Deeds) by Sheikhul Hadeeth, Hadrat Moulana Zakariyyah Khaandlawi Saheb Rahimahullaah. Daily the entire family should be made to sit together and the noble Ahaadeeth of Rasulullah Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam should be read and explained. In this manner Deeni knowledge will be acquired in the environment of the home and a desire to practise on Deen will be created in our families.
We should also daily set aside time to sit with our children and teach them the asbaaq (lessons) that they have been taught at madrasah. In this way, we will be able to monitor their progress and assist them in making the next day's work easier, otherwise we will see that slowly the influence of the television, DVD's, computer games, comics, etc. will overtake our children, leaving them morally bankrupt.
Similarly, Ibaadah of Allah Ta'aala should permeate all Muslim homes. Rasulullah Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam has mentioned in a Hadeeth, "Do not make your homes into graveyards, for verily shaytaan runs away from that home wherein Surah Baqarah is recited."
In one explanation of this Hadeeth, the commentators have mentioned that one's home should not be void of the recitation of the Qur'aanul Kareem. It is well known that Hadrat Abu Bakar Siddeeq (RA) had apportioned a section in his house where he recited the
Qur'aanul Kareem aloud. Many of the Kuffaar took objection to this as their wives and children would be tempted to listen to the beautiful manner in which he used to recite the Qur'aanul Kareem, and thus draw them towards Islam.
Hadrat Moulana Siddeeq Ahmad Baandwi Saheb Rahmatullaahi alaihi, a great and eminent scholar of the fifteenth century (hijri) gave the following advice to his children on his death- bed;
"Allocate a special place in the house for Ibaadah and Salaah. Call it a masjid if you wish. By calling it a masjid, it will not fall under the law of a masjid. Try and keep this place especially for Ibaadah (the worship of Allah Ta'aala). Have a musalla (salaah mat) spread out at all times. Place a Qur'aan Shareef and have a tasbeeh hanging there. Whenever you get a chance, go and sit in this room and engage in the Ibaadah of Allah Ta'aala. It will also have a positive effect on your children. When they will see this room, the musalla, the Qur'aanul Kareem etc. they will also have a desire to make the Ibaadah of Allah Ta'aala. At a time of need, it could be used for other things also. There is no harm in sleeping there as well, as it is not classified as a Shar'ee masjid. Hadrat Moulana Thaanwi Rahmatullaahi alaihi has written the similar advice and also had a room like this in his home." [Hayaat e Siddq p. 324] .
Hadrat Mufti Muhammad Shafee Saheb Rahmatullaahi alaihi, the grand Mufti of Pakistan, had mentioned that in 1930's there was a movement called the "Shudhi Movement" that was converting Muslims to Hinduism in large numbers. However, the inmates of those homes wherein the Qur'aan was recited daily were saved from their influence.
Make a habit of reciting the Qur'aan daily in our homes. Hadrat Abu Zar (RA) narrates that Rasulullah Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam advised him: "Hold fast onto the reading of the Qur'aan, because it is a noor in this life and a provision for the Hereafter." On one occasion, Rasulullah Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam mentioned that the houses in which the Qur'aan is recited shine unto the inhabitants of the heaven as do the stars shine unto the inhabitants of the earth. [Fazaail e Qur'aan pg.48].
Hadrat Abu Hurayrah (RA) says, "That house wherein the Qur'aanul Kareem is recited, the household members increase, virtues and blessings multiply, angels descend upon them and shaytaan runs away from such a house. Whereas the house in which the Qur'aan is not recited, life therein becomes straitened and devoid of blessings, angels leave the house and shaytaan ravages it. [Fazaail e Qur'aan p.42].
Hadrat Ibn Mas'ood (RA) as well as
Cont'd on page 36
Cont'd from page 42
others have reported that Rasulullah Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said, "A deserted house is one in which the Holy Qur'aan is not recited." [Ibid].
On Thursday nights, make a habit of reciting abundant durood shareef at home. Gather your household and recite a few Ahaadeeth regarding the virtues of durood shareef. Thereafter recite as much durood shareef as possible.
May Allah Ta'aala assist us in making our homes into gardens of Jannah, Aameen.