Miraculous effects of the Qur’an shareef on world
We have seen in the previous lines that the world was passing through the darkest and worst period of its history in the 6th the century when Islam was about to dawn. Mankind was almost breath-ing its last. There was hardly any sign visible which could indicate that it had still some life. The condition of mankind across the globe was hopeless. Humanity was at its lowest ebb. The ruling class was treating the ruled as their personal animals. Might is right - was the general rule. Big fish were eating small ones. Tigers and lions in human skin were eating goats and sheep in human skin. Virtue, modesty, piousness, selflessness, humility, generosity, patience, human values - in short humanity was the rarest commodity. It was like a cold dead body having neither the heat of spiritual life nor the feelings of a live heart.
Mankind, which was created by Allah Ta'ala for the noblest cause, was replaced by something which could be described as a self growing unwanted forest in which one could find everywhere beasts and poisonous snakes living in human skin. Human beings were hardly seen anywhere and if there were any they had either migrated to lonely places in jungles and mountains or had isolated themselves in some remote corners.
Just recapitulating the condition of Arabia at that time, it was no different. Arabs were living a primitive life in barren deserts quite far off from universities, colleges and other educational institutions. Living mostly a nomadic life, rearing cattle, divided into small tribes, ignorant about the rest of the world, contented with little business, fighting for decades for trivial things, burying their daughters alive and having no value in the eyes of the then civilized nations like the Romans and Per-sians, were some of the distinguishing features of the Arabs of that time. So far as the state of their religion was concerned, they had totally forgotten the Divine Message of Allah Ta'ala and were worship-ping all sorts of idols. In Khana Kaaba alone, there were 360 idols which these Arabs were worshipping. Oneness of Allah Ta'ala, which was the essential creed of all the prophets was forgotten and re-placed by idolatory. Even the Jews and Christians were involved in idolatory in one form or the other.
Suddenly, in this darkness the sun (Prophet Muhammad (SAW)) appeared with the everlasting light of the Qur’an Shareef which started heating up the cold dead body of mankind which very rapidly started imbibing the signs of life and stunned the historians, intellectuals and philosophers of all later ages as to how Prophet Muhammad (SAW) could succeed in a very short span of time to revive humanity with the help of the Qur’anic revelations and how he could not only change the bestial nature of people into human nature but could also change the entire map of the world. The same primitive ignorant unciv-ilized and uneducated tribesmen of Arabia attained the highest spir-ituality, highest moral standards and highest forms of education not by going colleges and universities but by just understanding the Message of the Qur’an Shareef. The Qur’an Shareef was the only source of education for the companions of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Once he (SAW) saw the Tawrah in the hands of Hadhrat Umar (RA) while showing his dislike for the same, he forbade Hadhrat Umar (RA) from reading the Tawrah.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) saw to it very strictly that Muslims should concentrate only on the Qur’an Shareef as it is the only source which could take mankind out of darkness. He told his companions to write from him only the Qur’an Shareef, it was because he did not want to dilute the teachings of the Qur’an Shareef. Hadhrat Ibne Masood (RA) narrated that the Sahabah Al-Kiram used to learn ten verses of the Qur’an Shareef and would not learn the eleventh one until they had understood the previous ten and until they had not acted as per those verses. This was the secret of success of the Sahabah that they confined themselves to the Qur’an Shareef.
The Qur’an Shareef gave these spiritually and morally dead people life. Those birds who had made nests over these lifeless people, as they were motionless, started feeling the shaking of their nests. Not only common people but the kings of the great Roman and Persian Empires also started shivering and as the message of the Qur’an Shareef spread more and more they could feel the cracks in their foundations. The empires which were seemingly invincible started scattering in the air like straw. It looks strange but if one ponders a little over it, there is nothing strange in it as you know that some changes inside the crust of earth will shake the entire world with all it superstructures, so why could the word of Allah Ta'ala, in the form of last Testament-Al-Qur’an Shareef not produce such dramatic wonderful changes?
The Qur’an Shareef is all miracle. Its miracles are countless and unending as we shall see, Insha-Allah Ta'ala in the coming pages but one of the main miracles of the Qur’an Shareef is that it changed the minds of majority of people in a very short span of time. The worst enemies of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) could not help themselves but appreciate the Divine nature of the Qur’an Shareef. Whosoever was listening to the Qur’an Shareef, his heart start beating fast and his soul would feel solace, he would feel like that stranger who heard a voice of his home in a far-off jungle and would be surprised wherefrom it was coming. In the same way souls which had remained thirsty all along, when they heard Message of Allah Ta'ala, they receive it like a homely voice, their conscience mind at once, sub-consciously, remembered the covenant.
That is why, if you look at history, you will see that whenever unprejudiced sincere people listened the Qur’an Shareef, their calm inner ocean of conscience was thrown into ecstasy, the Qur’an Shareef had a soothing effect over their souls, it gave their hearts amazing satisfac-tion and they at once submitted themselves whole heartedly to this Divine Message. The extent of their inner joy, contentment of their hearts and progress of their souls with Qur’anic Divine stimuli was so marvellous that they forgot everything else including their wealth, sons, wives and all other dear and near ones. Their souls got absorbed in spiritual ecstasy and attained such heights that they soon felt that this entire uni-verse was too small for their flight, their imaginations soared higher and higher till they crossed the limits of the skies.
The same man who was behaving worse than an animal, the Qur’an Shareef transformed him in such a revolutionary way that now angels started envying him as he was now flying higher than the angels as is evident from the life of the Sahabah-Al-Kiram. It was the same community which was a curse on the earth’s crust and a nuisance under the skies, with the help of Qur’anic guidance changed into the most distinguished community of mankind the world had ever seen. Even the non-Muslim unbiased orientalists admitted time and again that under the guidance of the Qur’an Shareef such a superb community came into being which was perfect in all the spheres of humanity and which still remains a source of inspiration and guidance for mankind.
A Hadith Shareef says:
“The Best era is my era”
Another Hadith Shareef says:
“My companions are like stars: if anyone follows anyone of them, will find guidance.”
Now you can see that the people who were the most neglected community of the world became the stars of guidance after they followed the Qur’an Shareef. To cite an example, I quote Tabari as quoted by R.A.Nicholson in “A literary history of the Arabs” :
One said: ”I saw ‘Umar coming to the festival. He walked with bare feet, using both hands (for he was ambidextrous) to draw round him a red embroidered cloth. He towered above the people, as though he were on horseback.” A client of (the Caliph) ‘Uthman b.’Affan relates that he mounted behind his patron and they rode together to the enclosure for the beasts which were delivered in payment of the poor-tax. It was blowing exceedingly hot day and the simoom was blowing fiercely. They saw a man clad only in a loin-cloth and a short cloak (rida), in which he had wrapped his head, driving the camels into the enclosure. ‘Uthman said to his companion, “Who is this, think you? When they came up to him, behold, it was ‘Umar b. al-Khattab. "By Allah,”said ‘Uthman, “this is the strong, the trusty.” - Umar used to go round the markets and recite the Qur’an and judge between disputants wherever he found them, - When Ka’bu ‘I-Ahbaar, a well-known Rabbin of Medi-na, asked how he could obtain access to the commander of the Faithful, he received this answer: “There is no door nor curtain to be passed; he performs the rites of prayer, then he takes his seat, and any one that wishes may speak to him.” ‘Umar said in one of his public orations: “By Him who sent Muhammad (SAW) with the truth, were a single camel to die of neglect on the bank of the Euphrates, I should fear lest Allah should call the family of al-Khataab (meaning himself) to ac-count therefore.” - “If I live,” he is reported to have said on another occasion, “please Allah, I will assuredly spend a whole year in travelling among my subjects, for I know they have wants which are cut short before they reach my ears: the governors do not bring the wants of the people before me, while the people them-selves do not attain to me. So I will journey to Syria and remain there two months, then to Mesopotamia and remain there two months, then to Egypt and remain there two months, then to Bah-rayn and remain there two months, then to Kufa and remain there two months, then to Basra and remain there two months; and by Allah, it will be a year well spent!” One night he came to the house of ‘Abdu ‘l-Rahman’s wife. “Do not enter, “she said, “until I go back and sit in my place;” so he waited. Then she bade him come in, and on his asking, “Have you anything in the house?” She fetched him some food. Meanwhile ‘Abdu ‘l-Rahman was standing by, engaged in prayer. “Be quick, man!” cried Umar. ‘Abdu ‘l-Rahman immediately pronounced the final Salaam, and turning to the Caliph said : “O Commander of the Faithful, what has brought you here at this hour?” ‘Umar replied : “A party of travellers who alighted in the neighbourhood of the market: I was afraid that the thieves of Madina might fall upon them. Let us go and keep watch.” So he set off with ‘Abdu ‘l-Rahman, and when they reached the market-place they seated themselves on some high ground and began to converse. Presently they described, far away, the light of a lamp. “Have not I forbidden lamps after bedtime?” Exclaimed the Caliph. They went to the spot and found a company drinking wine. “Begone,” said ‘Umar to ‘Abdu ‘l-Rahman; “I know him.” Next morning he sent for the culprit and said, addressing him by name, “Last night you were drinking wine with your friends.” “O Comman-der of the Faithful, how did you ascertain that?” “I saw it with my own eyes.” “Has not Allah Ta'ala forbidden you to play the spy?” ‘Umar made no answer and pardoned his offense. - When ‘Umar as-cended the pulpit for the purpose of warning the people that they must not do something, he gathered his family and said to them: “I have forbidden the people to do so-and-so. Now the people look at you as birds look at flesh, and I swear by Allah Ta'ala that if I find any one of you doing this thing, I will double the penalty against him”. Whenever he appointed a governor he used to draw up in writing a certificate of investiture, which he caused to be witnessed by some of the Emigrants or Helpers. It contained the following instructions: That he must not ride on horseback, nor eat white bread, nor wear fine clothes, nor set up a door between himself and those who had ought to ask of him. It was ‘Umar’s custom to go forth with his governors, on their appointment, to bid them farewell. “I have not appointed you,” he would say, “over the people of Muhammad (SAW) that you may drag them by their hair and scourge their skins, but in order that you may lead them in prayer and judge between them with right and divide (the public money) amongst them with equi-ty. I have not made you lords of their skin and hair. Do not flog the Arabs lest you humiliate them, and do not keep them long on foreign service lest you tempt them to sedition, and do not neglect them lest you render them desperate. Confine yourself to the Koran, write few Traditions of Muhammad (SAW) and I am your ally.” He used to permit retaliation against his governors. On receiving a complaint about any one of them he confronted him with the accuser, and punished him if his guilt were proved.
Hadhrat Umar (RA) was a shepherd before Islam, how he became a great statesman, an unparalleled administrator and a just ruler of the highest order!
Once a non-Muslim king asked his envoy to tell him some features of their chief i.e., Hadhrat Umar. Now, here you can imagine what depth of knowledge these Bedouin people had gained in the company of Rasulullah (SAW) with the help of Qur’anic guidance, the answer of this simple looking emissary of Hadhrat Umar (RA) stunned that king, he replied,
“He does not deceive and he does not get deceived”
The king got astonished at the answer of this Bedouin who had described the whole life of Hadhrat Umar (RA) in just a small sentence like this. The king said, “he does not deceive anyone - is a sign of his great statesmanship and ‘He does not get de-ceived’ - is a sign of his being a mature politician.”
General outline of Quranic Dawah and speech of Hadhrat Jaffar (RA):
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born in Arabia, naturally his first addressees were Arabs. It were these people who first got enlightenment of the Qur'an Shareef which converted these caretakers of cattle into the caretakers and guides of humanity. These people gained the title of “Khair-Ummat” (The best Ummah) under the guidance of the best and the last Prophet (SAW). Now we have to see what was the immediate effect of the Qur’anic Message in these rebellious unciv-ilized Bedouin people, who were devoid of all moral and social feelings, so that we can understand easily that the teachings and principles of this Qur’an Shareef which produced a revolutionary change in man and made him a being of the highest spiritual order are suffi-cient proof to prove the Truthfulness of this Message.
When the infidels of Makkah forced the Muslims, who were yet in small numbers, to migrate to Abyssinia and live a refugee life there where Negus - a Christian- was the ruler. The infidels sent a delegation to Negus requesting him to oust this small group of Muslims from his country.
On this he summoned the Muslims and enquired about Islam from Hadhrat Jaffar (RA). His speech at that time before Negus, is a masterpiece drawing a marvellous comparison between pre- and post-Islamic Arabia of that time. He said,
“O king, a long period has passed over us in which the state of our ignorance was such that we had left one God and were worshipping idols. To worship self carved stones was our hallmark. Haraam eating, adultery, plundering, severing of blood relations, unawareness about the rights of neighbours and about kindness and justice, ignorance about truth and falsehood were our main features. In short, we lived a life of beasts where strong ones would feel proud of devouring the weak.
" See the miracle of Mercy that Merciful Allah Ta'ala sent a great Prophet (SAW) amongst us whose geneology, truthfulness we know very well, on whose trustworthiness both friends and enemies were witness, whom nation was calling him by the title of ‘Ameen’ - trustworthy.
" He taught us the lesson of Oneness of Allah Ta'ala, invited us towards One Allah Ta'ala and told us that He has no partner. He is pure from having any partner and idolatory is a sign of ignorance, hence is worth abandoning. Worshipping is the right of only One Allah Ta'ala. He taught us truth-speaking, stressed on becoming truth-ful, and ordered us to honour and strengthen the blood rela-tions. He taught us to treat neighbours and weak nicely. He saved us from the curse of humanity, i.e., adultery, by declaring it unlawful and obscene. He taught us whom to marry and whom not to marry (Mahaarim and Na-Mahaarim). He declared telling of lies and devouring of orphans wealth as unlawful. He taught us Salah and charity. He got us out of the depths of bestiality and brought us upto the highest point of great humanity. O king! We have accepted his teachings and believed in them with the core of our hearts. This is our fault for which this delegation of infi-dels is complaining against us."
Then Hadhrat Jaffar (RA) recited some verses from the Surah Maryam of the Qur’an Shareef which moved the heart of Negus of Abyssinia bringing tears to his eyes. He accepted the truthfulness of Islam and embraced Islam at the hands of Hadhrat Jaffar (RA).
This is how the Qur’anic teachings enlightened the world of darkness in a very short span of time. 'Al-Qur’an` is the name of this last and everlasting Divine Message which does not address any region, sect or race but is a Message for the peace and success of the entire world of all ages upto the Day of Judgement.
Al-Quran the miracle of the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) :
Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the last and the greatest Messenger of Allah Ta'ala was given many many miracles by Allah Ta'ala and it is unanimously accepted by all scholars of Islam that his best and everlasting miracle is the Qur’an Shareef. It is the proof and miracle of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) upto the day of judgment, that is for all ages and for all people to come. This is evident from many verses of the Qur’an Shareef:
“Alif Lam Raw “A book which We have revealed unto thee; in order thou mightest lead mankind out of the depths of darkness into light- by the leave of their lord- to the way of (Him) the Exalt-ed in power, worthy of all praises.”
In this verse Allah Ta’ala says that the Qur’an Shareef has been sent for guidance.
“If one among the pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah, and then escort him to where he can be secure, that is because they are men without knowledge.”
See, here Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is being commanded by Allah Ta'ala to allow the non-believers to listen to the word of Allah Ta'ala which is the argument, proof and miracle of his Prophethood so that after listening to the Qur’an Shareef their hearts might melt with its message. Had the Qur’an Shareef not been the miracle argument and proof of his prophethood, then such a statement would not have been there.
Allah Ta’ala further says:
“Verily this is the revelation from the Lord of the worlds: with it came down the truthful spirit to thy heart that thou mayest admonish.”
Rasulullah (SAW) was sent as a warner to this world, in addition to his other functions, now here the basis of his being warner is said to be the Qur’an Shareef.
Allah Ta’ala says:
“Ha Mim, The revelation of this book is from Allah, Exalted in power, full of knowledge. Who forgiveth sin, accepteth repent-ance, is severe in punishment and is all bountiful, there is no God but He, To Him is the final goal.
None can dispute about signs of Allah, but the unbelievers. Let not their strutting about through the land deceive Thee.”
In numerous verses in the Qur’an Shareef it is stated that the Qur’an Shareef is the word of Allah Ta'ala and here in these verses after describing some of the attributes of Allah Ta'ala, it is clearly mentioned that disputing in the Qur’an Shareef is Kufr, infidelity.
In subsequent verses in the same Surah Al-Mumin, Allah Ta'ala Ta’ala says that the people who denied and disputed in the word of Allah Ta'ala, like the people of Noah and confederates, were seized by Allah Ta'ala and terribly punished. For this demerit they were la-belled as companions of Hell-fire. On the other hand, those who believed in this truth are being praised by Angels and they implore forgiveness for them. The believers of the Qur’an Shareef achieve such greatness that they are being praised by the special group of Angels and those who dispute in the signs of Allah Ta'ala become the com-panions of fire. It is because the Qur’an Shareef makes this difference, it becomes the basis for terrible requital for the disbelievers and saviour of its believers and admirers. The Qur’an Shareef does so because it is such a truth, the denial of which is not possible, which has always challenged its opponents and always made them helpless having no alternative but to surrender.
The Qur’an Shareef invites those who express doubts about it to go through the history, know the fate of earlier nations who denied the word of Allah Ta'ala. The Qur’an Shareef also mentions frequently the incidents of earlier people so that the addressee of the Qur’an Shareef can understand, in the light of history, the message of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the consequences of its denial.
Allah Ta’ala says:
“Those who reject the book and the (revelations) with which We sent our Messenger, but soon shall they know.”
And further says:
“It was not (possible) for any Messenger to bring a sign except by the leave of Allah.”
Allah Ta’ala sent Prophet Muhammad (SAW) with His revelations the Qur’an Shareef, since it is the absolute proof of his prophethood, so its denial begets the chastisement of Allah Ta'ala.
Allah Ta’ala says:
“Ha-Mim, a revelation from the Most Gracious and Most Merciful, A book whereof the verses are explained in detail, Qur’an in Arabic for people who understand. Giving good news and admonition yet most of them turn away, and so they hear not.”
Had this Qur’an Shareef not been the proof of prophethood, their turning away would have not mattered. Since Rasulullah (SAW) himself was a strong argument in favour of his prophethood but he needed the proof for the same, such a proof which could withstand all the onslaughts of the opponents, which could answer all the queries and which could win the hearts of all sensible persons and that was given to him in the form of Al-Qur’an.
Allah Ta’ala says:
“ Say (Oh, Muhammad): “I am but a man like yourselves (but) the inspiration has come to me.”
Rasulullah (SAW) is the greatest man- that the mankind has ever produced. No other person can ever even imagine the height which was attained by him (SAW). In this verse Allah Ta'ala says as to what made this dif-ference, this difference was made by Al-Qur’an. Allah Ta’ala says to Rasulullah (SAW) to tell the people that he was a man like others but the special status he has attained was because of the revelation - Al-Qur’an. This verse is enough proof of it.
Allah Ta’ala further says:
“The unbelievers say, “Listen not to this Qur’an, but talk at random in the midst of its (reading), that ye may gain the upper hand.”
The Qur’an Shareef being the word of Allah Ta'ala touches the inner con-science of man and anybody who listens to it, his heart sur-renders before it. When infidels of Makkah saw this miraculous effect of the Qur’an Shareef, they told their people not to listen to the Qur’an Shareef at all and make much noise whenever any Muslim recites the Qur’an Shareef. It clearly indicates that they had no answer to the arguments of the Qur’an Shareef. They first tried all other methods like calling it poet-ry, magic and stories of earlier people but when all these failed and they saw that whosoever listens the the Qur’an Shareef, gets moved to-wards it, they decided to resort to such acts.
Allah Ta’ala further says:
“Yet they say: Why are not signs sent down to him from his Lord. Say: “The signs are indeed with Allah, and I am indeed a clear warner.”
Allah Ta’ala further says:
“Blessed is he who sent down the criterion to his servant, that it may be an admonition to all creatures.”
In these verses Allah Ta’ala tells us that these miraculous signs are from Him only and Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is a warner, his job is to warn, to send miraculous signs is His job.
Allah Ta’ala says:
“What ! Do they say, “He has forged a falsehood against Allah”? But if Allah willed, He could seal up thy heart. And Allah blots out falsehood, and proves the truth by His words. For well He knows the secrets of all hearts.”
This verse is another proof of the truthfulness of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Allah Ta’ala says that these infidels say that Muhammad (SAW) has forged falsehood against Allah Ta'ala (by claiming himself as prophet). To equip someone with the miracles in support of his claim or not to equip him with the miracles is under the control of Allah Ta'ala. He may wish to do so or He may not. In order to clear the doubts from the minds of people about someone’s prophethood He invariably equips His true prophets with true miracles and does not allow the claim of false prophethood to persist as He blots out all falsehood, hence there is no question of equipping these false claimants of proph-ethood with any miracle. He only strenghtens and allows to persist with His miracles only that claim of prophethood which is true. As the prophet Muhammad (SAW) was given the truest and everlasting miracle in the form of Al-Qur’an, which has stood all the tests and has proved time and again as the everlasting and the greatest miracle, therefore it forms enough proof of prophethood of Muhammad (SAW). As this Qur’an Shareef clearly states that Muhammad (SAW) is the last prophet and that Islam has been completed (i.e., there is no room for any addition, alteration or modification), thus sealing prophethood with him. In this verse there is a great point of satisfaction for the Muslims as Allah Ta’ala promises that He will blot out any false claimant of prophethood. Rasulullah (SAW) said in a Hadith Shareef that there will be thirty liars (Dajjals) in the Ummah who will claim of false prophethood. From this verse we get the satisfac-tion that Allah Ta’ala will blot out all there false claims and truthfulness of prophet Muhammad (SAW) will always remain crystal clear. These days also there are some people with vested interests who try to deceive innocent Muslims by trying to question the seal of prophethood of Muhammad (SAW). It is high time for them to understand that it is a futile exercise for them and their masters. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the purpose of all creation, Allah Ta’ala and his angels, in addition to the Muslims, are always sending Durood on him, as Allah Ta'ala says:
“Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet, O ye that believe: Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect.”
The prophet (SAW) whose status is such in the eyes of Allah Ta'ala, how foolish and how much detrimental and ruinous will it be for the Imaan of those who try to question his prophethood or his status as the last prophet (seal of prophethood). May Allah Ta'ala send countless blessings on His beloved prophet Muhammad (SAW) and bestow the Taufeeq to the whole of mankind to respect, love and follow him in true spirit.