Afra Jalabi
To Veil Or Not To Veil That Is The Question!
This article is meant for Muslims, those who have submitted themselves to their Creator, Allah Ta’ala. As for those who hold enmity to Islam and Muslims, they will not be able to understand it as the contents are far beyond their shallow and corrupted minds. Never mind the subtle points raised in this article, non-Muslims are unable to understand or accept even the most obvious truths.
we start off with the belief that the Deity we submit to is Allah Ta’ala, Who is Unique, Perfect, has no partners, no family; and that whatever He does is perfect and has perfect wisdom.
[This is not something new that Islam has come with. This is a Truth that was accepted and taught from day one, with the creation of Hadhrat Ádam (AS) and repeated throughout the history of mankind by all the messengers of Allah Ta’ala. Therefore, no nation has any excuse for not accepting this truth.