Dr. Rafiq Ahmad

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Ra'fatul Bari - Commentary Sahih al-Bukhari Vol V

Dr. Rafiq Ahmad
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A Comprehensive & Scholarly Commentary in English of Sahih al-Bukhari(The Most Authentic Hadith Collection) First of its kind in the world made available in a lucid and easy language. Useful for both scholars and commoners. Very popular in South Africa, UK & USA.

Ra'fatul Bari - Commentary Sahih al-Bukhari Vol IV

Dr. Rafiq Ahmad
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A Comprehensive & Scholarly Commentary in English of Sahih al-Bukhari(The Most Authentic Hadith Collection) First of its kind in the world made available in a lucid and easy language. Useful for both scholars and commoners. Very popular in South Africa, UK & USA.

Ra'fatul Bari - Commentary Sahih al-Bukhari (Vol-III)

Dr. Rafiq Ahmad
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A Comprehensive & Scholarly Commentary in English of Sahih al-Bukhari(The Most Authentic Hadith Collection)
First of its kind in the world made available in a lucid and easy language.
Useful for both scholars and commoners.
Very popular in South Africa, UK & USA.

Ra'fatul Bari - Commentary Sahih al-Bukhari (Vol-II)

Dr. Rafiq Ahmad
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A Comprehensive & Scholarly Commentary in English of Sahih al-Bukhari(The Most Authentic Hadith Collection.
First of its kind in the world made available in a lucid and easy language.
Useful for both scholars and commoners.
Very popular in South Africa, UK & USA.

Ra'fatul Bari - Commentary Sahih al-Bukhari (Vol-1)

Dr. Rafiq Ahmad

A Comprehensive & Scholarly Commentary in English of Sahih al-Bukhari(The Most Authentic Hadith Collection.
First of its kind in the world made available in a lucid and easy language.
Useful for both scholars and commoners.
Very popular in South Africa, UK & USA.

Instrument for Understanding Qur'an

Dr. Rafiq Ahmad

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) says:
ألا وإنّ في الجَسَدِ مُضْغَةً إذا صَلَحَتْ صَلَحَ الجَسدُ كُلُّهُ وإذا فَسَدَتْ فَسَدَ الجَسَدُ كُلُّهُ ألا وهْيَ القَلبُ

" Indeed there is a piece of flesh in the body (the heart) when that stays right, the whole body stays right, when that goes astray, the whole body goes astray! Listen with open ears, that is Qalb" (Bukhâri Sharief)

Introduction to Al-Hadith

Dr. Rafiq Ahmad

Haadith in Arabic is used as opposite to Qadeem. Qadeem means something without a beginning which obviously is none but Allah Ta'ala. The opposite of Qadeem is Haadith which means something with beginning. In other words it means ‘Created (Makhlooq). As per this meaning, the Qur'an is the word of Allah hence is Qadeem, whereas Hadith means that word which is created and since Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) himself is among Makhlooq, so his statements are called Hadith.

Aijazul Qur'an

Dr. Rafiq Ahmad

Al-Qur'an Shareef, which differentiates between right and wrong.
The Qur'an Shareef-which made the most eloquent ones helpless when they tried to refute it.
The Qur'an Shareef-which made the most rhetoric ones dumb when they tried to speak against it.
The Qur'an Shareef-which challenged its opponents and everyone whosoever thought of taking up this challenge, accepted his defeat.
The Qur'an Shareef-which affirmed all the previous books of Allah Ta'ala but revoked their commandments.
The Qur'an Shareef-for which even angels crave as they did not get this treasure.
The Qur'an Shareef-which is like a rope from Allah Ta'ala that leads a believer towards Him.
The Qur'an Shareef-which connects its reader directly with Him.

Introduction to Al-Qur'an

Dr. Rafiq Ahmad

Comprehensive introduction to
* Nomenclature of Al-Qur'an
* History of Descent (Nuzool) of Al-Qur'an
* Makki and Madini Verses
* Sequence of the Qur'an Shareef
* Shan-e-Nuzool of Al-Qur'an
* Seven Qirats of The Qur'an
* Naskh or Abrogation of Verses
* Muhkam and Mutashabihah
* Fazial (Virtues) Qur'an
* The Qur'an and Suhaba al-Kiram (RA)
* Rules of Reverence for Reading the Holy Qur'an

Need For Divine Guidance

Dr. Rafiq Ahmad

For whom was this cream of all the creation (Man), created?
This question arises almost in the mind of every human being. But unfortunately mostly people do not get an answer to this inner query. Usually people die without knowing this reality; they live throughout their lives in complete ignorance just like animals. Many people ponder over this question but they do not have enough intelligence to understand it. Their inherent intellectual capability is clouded and obscured by prejudice, ignorance and blind faith in the religion of their parents. These factors work on their minds subconsciously right from the days of childhood and consequently they never perceive the Ultimate Truth.