Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (RA)

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Shouq-e-Watan (Desire for the Aakhirah)

Showqe Watan - the hereafter is our original watan (abode, home country), and is worthy of being desired. Our negligence and carelessness have made us totally forget. This booklet will remove such negligence and make us desire our original abode.

Aadabul Mu'aashirat

The Aadaab of Illness, lyaadat and Ta'ziyyat

Iyaadat means to visit the sick.

Ta'aziyya is to visit the home of the deceased, to console relatives.
If a person suffers from an illness, wound, sore, boil, etc. located in the region of his private parts, do not ask him about the nature of the illness, etc. It is very embarrassing to do so.
Do not express yourself in the presence of the sick or his family in a manner which makes them lose hope in life. Comfort them by telling them that, لا بأس طهور إن شاء الله Inshaa'Allah, all difficulties will come to an end.
Should you obtain some information regarding injury, illness or death of a person, do not speak about it until you have reliably confirmed it, especially as far as his relatives are concerned. Never inform them without confirmation.

Association with the Pious

Wonderfully efficacious for spiritual progress is to join the company of the pious. One should endeavour to sit in the company of pious people so that talks of wisdom and piety as well as virtuous habits are acquired. The life-stories of the pious should be studied. This too serves the same purpose as association with the pious. Virtuous character is acquired by reading and studying the life-stories of the saintly men of Allah.
Allah Ta'ala has instilled in man the propensity to be influeced by others. Such influence is derived without any concentration and any special endeavour. The life and conditions of others generally influence people greatly. This acceptance of influence applies to both good and bad influence. The company of the pious is therefore extremely beneficial while evil company is extremely harmful. The company of the pious refers to acssociation with such a person who has sufficient knowledge of the necessary laws of the Shariah, and whose beliefs are correct.

Income and expenditure

Ways and means of income, earning one's livelihood and spending such income should conform with the Shariah.
Hadhrat Ibn Mas'ood (RA) narrates that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: On the Day of Qiyaamah no one will be able to move (on the occasion of Hisaab-reckoning) until a reckoning of five things has not been taken ....." (Tirmizi)
Among the ‘five things' mentioned in the above hadith, two questions pertain to income and expenditure. One will be asked: ‘How did you earn your living and how did you spend your income?" Earnings and expenses are also matters controlled and regulated by the Deen. In this sphere too, there should be no contraventions of the Shariah, Income must not be derived by unlawful means, e.g. riba, dealing in unlawful items, usurping the rights of others, cheating, defrauding, withholding the inheritance of any one, etc.

A Muslim's Income and Expenditure

Ways and means of income, earning one's livelihood and spending such income should confirm with the Shari'ah. Hadhrat Ibn Mas'ood (RA) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "On the Day of Qiyaamah no one will be able to move (on the occasion of Hisaab Reckoning) until a reckoning of five things has not been taken..."—Tirmidhi

Among the 'five things' mentioned in the above Hadith, two questions pertain to income and expenditure. One will be asked: "How did you earn your living and how did you spend your income?"

Earnings and expenses are also matters controlled and regulated by the Deen. In this sphere too, there should be no contraventions of the Shari'ah. Income must not be derived by unlawful means, e.g. riba, dealing in unlawful items, usurping the rights of others, cheating, defrauding, withholding the inheritance of any one, etc.

Erection of Masaajid

Among the rights (huqooq) of the Masjid are:

· Performing Salaat in the Masjid.

· Estabilishing performance of Salaat in jamaat.

· Cleaning and maintaining the Masjid in good condition.

· Visiting the Masjid in abundance.

· Respecting and revering the Masjid.

Some Qur’aanic aayaat and Ahadith in this regard will now be narrated.

1. Allah Ta’ala states in the Qur’aan Majeed: “Who is more unjust than the one who prevents (others) from the thikr of Allah in the Masaajid and who prevents (others) from visiting the Masaajid (for purposes of ibaadat)? (And who is more unjust than the one) who strives to ruin the Masaajid?

2. “In reality, construction and maintaining the Masaajid of Allah are the duties of only those who believe in Allah and the Last Day; who establish regular Salaat; who pay Zakaat and who fear none besides Allah.