Maulana Maseehulaah Sahab RA
ZIKR-E-ILAHI or Remembrance of Allah is one of the many lectures of Maseehul Ummat Hadhrat Maulana Shah Muhammad Maseehullah Khan Sherwani (May Allah Taala maintain his shadow of barkat over us for many more years). In this lecture Hadhrat Maseehullah Saheb diagnoses the spiritual degeneration in which the Ummah is caught up today.....
Words Of Worth
100 Statements of Hadhrat Maseehul Ummat
Mawlana Maseeh Ullah Khan Sahib (RA)
A third form of Divine Remembrance is called remembrance of hays or remembrance via the agency of shame. This agency is utilized by those in whose disposition hays (shame) is dominant. They practice righteousness and engage in Zikrullah as a result of this dominant trait of hays in them. They are ashamed of being forgetful of their Creator. Khauf and muhabbat are not their motivating force in the remembrance of Allah Taala. Although such. persons are not devoid of muhabbat, nevertheless, it (muhabbat) is not a dominant feature in them. Haya is their dominant disposition, and such haya is sometimes because of Zaat and sometimes because of Inamat (blessings and bounties).
Thus, in some, muhabbat is dominant, in some, khauf and in some, hays. The dominant feature in each person is the cause for that persons obedience and remembrance of Allah.
It is established that the gaze of the Ahlullah falls first on Allah Taala and thereafter upon themselves. Thus, to them Allah Taala is closer than their own nafs. If Allah Taala was not closer, no persons gaze would be directed firstly to Him. Hence, whoever forgets Allah Taala has forgotten himself. This is what is conveyed by the Quranic statement: ... thus, He (Allah] caused them to forget their ownselves. Such people are then classified by Allah Taala: Indeed, they are the faasiqoon (transgressors). This portion of the ayat is presently under discussion since the purpose of the discussion is to explain the remedy for the degenerate condition stated in the ayat. The word, ula-ikah in this portion of the ayat is a demonstrative pronoun (Ism Isharah). It indicates the word, faasiqoon (the transgressors), hence the meaning of fasiqoon is applicable to ula-ikah.
It is established that the gaze of the Ahlullah falls first on Allah Taala and thereafter upon themselves. Thus, to them Allah Taala is closer than their own nafs. If Allah Taala was not closer, no persons gaze would be directed firstly to Him. Hence, whoever forgets Allah Taala has forgotten himself. This is what is conveyed by the Quranic statement: ... thus, He (Allah] caused them to forget their own selves. Such people are then classified by Allah Taala: Indeed, they are the faasiqoon (transgressors). This portion of the ayat is presently under discussion since the purpose of the discussion is to explain the remedy for the degenerate condition stated in the ayat. The word, ula-ikah in this portion of the ayat is a demonstrative pronoun (Ism Isharah). It indicates the word, faasiqoon (the transgressors), hence the meaning of fasiqoon is applicable to ula-ikah.
(Continued from previous issue)
I shall relate an amazing and awful incident in which there is great admonition and lesson. I have personally heard this incident from Hadhrat Thanvi (rahmatullah alayhi) who said that Shaikh Dahhan. a senior Alim of Makkah Muazzamah narrated:
A certain Alim in Makkah Muazzamah passed away and was buried there. After sometime another man also died there. The heirs of the deceased desired that he be buried in the same grave as that of the Alim. In accordance with their wishes the grave of the Alim was opened. To their utter shock and astonishment they discovered that instead of the Alim, there laid the body of a beautiful young girl. On closer examination it was found that the body was of a European girl.
All stood in astonishment Coincidentally, a man from the gathering recognized the girl since he had previously seen her. He informed the people that the body was that of a French girl.
This explanation was necessary because some people upon hearing narratives of Rahmat become audacious and neglect righteousness. In this regard one should reflect: Will one who remains restless if not punished for error, become audacious in the commission of sin upon hearing narratives of mercy Certainly, those who possess a healthy disposition and have a bond of love with Allah Taala, will increase their obedience upon hearing episodes of Allahs Rahmat. the slave whose folly is overlooked without punishment and inspite of this, he becomes audacious in his disobedience is indeed a person of great degeneration.
The slave who, inspite of being forgiven his folly without being punished and is audacious in disobeying his master, is of the lowest calibre and most contemptible. A noble man is he who observing a favour of his master submits himself life-long.
It is entirely a different issue to omit a Mustahab on Shari grounds. For example: Omitting the Mustahab in order to indicate to others that the act is not Wajib (compulsory); in a journey to omit the performance of Nafl Salaat in consideration of ones travelling companions; or because of any difficulty occurring in some essential work; or due to much tiredness, the Mustahabs are omitted. Such omission of Mustahabat is not reprimandable. Even the hadith says:
Verily, your soul too has a right over you.
But the hadith orders us to seek protection against abstention from Mustahabat due to indolence.
O Allah! Verily, I seek refuge with You from weakness and indolence. (Hadith)
It should be well remembered that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) exhorted us to seek comfort and in its pursuit, he (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) exhorted certain Sahaaba to abstain from even some Mustahabat and reduce the performance of Nafl Salaat.
ZIKR-E-ILAHI or Remembrance of Allah is one of the many lectures of Maseehul Ummat Hadhrat Maulana Shah Muhammad Maseehullah Khan Sherwani (May Allah Taala maintain his shadow of barkat over us for many more years). In this lecture Hadhrat Maseehullah Saheb diagnoses the spiritual degeneration in which the Ummah is caught up today. Not only does he diagnose the malady. but he provides the cure for this spiritual affliction of ours.
Organizations and movements, luminaries and dignitaries of the world, time and again, come up with their self-invented theories for the solution of the ills with which mankind is suffering. All such theories and solutions offered by modern man fail -and will always fail- -to solve the miserable condition of moral and spiritual degeneration in which the Ummah is floundering today. They all fail for the simple reason that they have hopelessly failed in pin-pointing the malady.