Mona Islam
Prepare to Face Your Lord
I raced to pull my hijab in place, slipped out of the door, and was backing my car out of the driveway. 8:19 - school starts at 8:30. As I floored the accelerator, the only thought running through my mind was my first period chemistry test. "Mona - you don't pass this one, you blow your average." Cruising down the busy Dallas expressway, I swerved into the right lane expecting to make an exit. "Maybe I can beat the tardy bell." I waited patiently at the next red light reviewing my chemistry formulas. Green arrow - I was making a left turn, when in the flash of an instant, a huge 18-wheeler came flying out of nowhere. It was headed straight for me! Too late for me to make a move, flashes of my life appeared before me. I regretted every bad deed I ever committed in my life. My heart was racing. Who could I turn to? "LA-ILLAHA-ILLA-ALLAH!!!" - then I woke up.
Are you prepared to meet your Lord?