Siraj Islam Mufti
Making Necessary Commitment to our Ummah
There is a great deal of despondency among Muslims. This, despite the fact that we have tremendous human potential of some 1.3 billion, and we lead the world in growth — especially in productive youngsters.
We are also blessed with an abundance of natural resources such as petroleum and natural gas, and we inhabit the most strategic areas of the globe. Place these factors into the context of Islam’s uniquely transcendental message, alongside the testimonials of a glorious historic past, and you have all the ingredients for a respectable place in the comity of nations.
Given all this, and especially during the post-colonial era, we should have taken off on sound footing — building a grand society on our traditional Islamic principles of justice, freedom, peace and prosperity; yet, we did not.
Add to this the fact that our masses are among the world’s poor, hungry, and illiterate.